Again, allow me to welcome you to the Mirarnas Development Forums!
If you're here, you've undoubtedly been invited to be a volunteer for the upcoming MUD of Mirarnas. If not, I have otherwise no idea what you're doing here unless you're some random spambot. Shoo, if so!
Otherwise, the other parts of the thread are locked off and hidden to protect our ideas from prying eyes and to prevent spambots from otherwise destroying the forum. In order to access the rest of the forum, you must register on the forums. You
MUST register with your chosen God name, there are no exceptions to this. If you're one of those folks that has not come up with a God concept or name yet, I'll give you a temporary name until then. Once registered, please send me an e-mail at
SeventhEclipse@hotmail.com or PM me here on the Forums and I will get to adding you to the Administrator group so you can access the rest of the forums. If I am for some reason unavailable, please consult with Aeron and she will pester me to get you added (believe me, she will).
Indeed, I look forward to working with you in the future and making Mirarnas into the best possible world we can.